
The Los Angeles Parks Foundation invites local businesses, family foundations, schools, and corporate brands to partner with us to adopt one of our 500+ city parks! The adoption donation will go to meet identified needs that can directly benefit a city park.

Past projects funded by park adoptions include a basketball court and baseball diamond resurfacing, funding for sports equipment and youth scholarships, program funding for dance and fitness classes, park benches, water fountains, and other needed improvements.

A park adoption begins with an investment of $25,000 depending on the size of the park. The adoption extends over one year with the opportunity for a yearly renewal. The donor’s generous contribution is prominently acknowledged at the adopted park and celebrated with the local community.

Please contact or call (310) 472-1990 for further information regarding the Adopt-A-Park program. Thank you for helping us build community through our city parks. All donations are tax-deductible.

Current Park Adoptions

Hollenbeck Park Adoption: The Sikand Foundation

The Sikand Foundation’s 2022 Park Adoption funded the renovation of the community patio at Hollenbeck Recreation Center. This park adoption funded a fully resurfacing of the concrete patio and installation of a brand new guardrail, making the patio a safe and family friendly place for community members to host events. 

The Sikand Foundation has adopted Hollenbeck Park since 2021. 

In 2021 we planted 20 mature trees in the Park Forest at Hollenbeck Park, creating a green buffer zone along the park’s perimeter to mitigate noise and pollution from the adjacent freeway. Two years of comprehensive maintenance are included as part of this adoption.

Thank you to The Sikand Family for their generous support of Hollenbeck Park and the Boyle Heights community.

More information about Hollenbeck Park at


Barnsdall Art Park Adoption: Barnsdall Art Park Foundation

We’re currently working with the Barnsdall Art Park Foundation to maintain and restore the historic Olive Grove around the park. 

Thank you to the Barnsdall Art Park Foundation for their generous support of Barnsdall Art Park and the surrounding community.

More information about Barnsdall Art Park at



Robert Burns Park Adoption: Clifford Family Foundation Charitable Trust

For their 2022 Park Adoption, the Clifford Family Foundation installed a brand-new fitness tower and two cardio climbers at Robert Burns Park. This multi-functional fitness tower is the first of its kind in a Los Angeles City Park, transforming the park for users of all ages with resources to remain active. 

The Clifford Family Foundation has adopted Robert Burns Park since 2021. Their first adoption went toward the installation of a decomposed granite walking path around the park. 

Their 2021 adoption funded a new DG walking path around the park.

Thank you to Carrie Clifford and the Clifford Family Foundation Charitable Trust for their generous support of Robert Burns Park.

More information about Robert L. Burns Park at

Franklin Canyon Orange Grove Adoption: David Bohnett Foundation

This recurring adoption allows us to maintain and enhance the grove. We partner with Food Forward to harvest and distribute the fruit to community members, food banks, and other organizations to help feed hungry Angelenos in need.

Thank you to the David Bohnett Foundation and City National Bank for their generous support of the Franklin Canyon Orange Grove.

More information about the Franklin Canyon Orange Grove at

Mar Vista Recreation Center Adoption: Windward School

The Windward School’s 2023 adoption of Mar Vista Recreation Center funded the installation of a brand new batting cage. The batting cage is adjacent to the park’s existing three baseball fields to benefit the facility’s thriving baseball community. 

Windward School has adopted Mar Vista Recreation Center since 2009, our very first park adoption. 

Windward School’s 2020 adoption of Mar Vista Recreation Center funded our inaugural Los Angeles Park Forest. The Park Forest is made up of 20 mature trees and covered by a comprehensive 2-year maintenance plan. 

Thank you to the Windward School for their generous support of Mar Vista Recreation Center for the past 10 years.

More information about Mar Vista Park at


City National Bank day of service during their adoption of Leimert Plaza Park