Volunteer in Griffith Park


The Los Angeles Parks Foundation is excited to invite you to get involved in our Native Plant Nursery! Located in Griffith Park, our nursery plays a vital role in supporting the city’s biodiversity by cultivating native plants that beautify our parks and enhance local ecosystems. Native plants provide essential habitat for wildlife, conserve water, and help create a sustainable urban environment.


We’re looking for our community to join us in this important work! As a volunteer, you’ll have the chance to assist with plant care, propagation, and other hands-on activities that help the nursery thrive. Whether you have a green thumb or are simply interested in learning more about native plants, this is a fantastic way to give back to the environment and your community.


Volunteer Hours: 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8AM-12PM

Second Saturday of each Month: 8AM-12PM


Contact our Nursery Manager Cameron DeAnda (Cameron@laparksfoundation.org) to learn more about volunteering in the nursery!